% This table lists the phonemic symbols recognized by MAUS in the input for language rus-RU. Columns are: % MAUS: symbol as recognized by MAUS, SAMPA: original (X-)SAMPA symbol, IPA: corresponding IPA symbol, PHONETICS: phonetic description, % EXAMPLES: example words (and/or Language Name), ISO636-3: language code ('xxx' = used in multiple languages), % MANNER: phonetic manner, PLACE: place of articulation [optional: acoustic model MAUS uses for this symbol; only in Language Independent Mode]. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAUS SAMPA IPA PHONETICS EXAMPLES ISO639-3 MANNER PLACE (..) human noise, garbage xxx noise noise (.) noise, non-human xxx noise noise tS_j tS' tʃʲ palatalized voiceless post-alveolar affricate rus affricate post-alveolar pS_j pS' pʃʲ palatalized voiceless bilabial affricate rus affricate bilabial (...) silence interval (optional) xxx silence silence z_j z' zʲ palatalized voiced alveolar fricative zbir pol fricative alveolar x_j x' xʲ palatalized voiceless velar fricative hiacynt pol fricative velar v_j v' vʲ palatalized voiced bilabial fricative rus fricative bilabial t_j t' tʲ palatalized voiceless alveolar plosive padi ekk plosive alveolar S_j S' ʃʲ palatalized voiceless post-alveolar fricative rus fricative post-alveolar s_j s' sʲ palatalized voiceless alveolar fricative syk pol fricative alveolar r_j r' rʲ palatalized alveolar trill rus approximant alveolar p_j p' pʲ palatalized voiceless bilabial plosive piasek pol plosive bilabial

(...) silence interval (non-optional) xxx silence silence n_j n' nʲ palatalized alveolar nasal kon' pol nasal alveolar m_j m' mʲ palatalized bilabial nasal rus nasal bilabial l_j l' lʲ palatalized alveolar lateral approximant pali ekk lateral-approximant alveolar k_j k' kʲ palatalized voiceless velar plosive kierowca pol plosive velar g_j g' ɡʲ palatalized voiced velar plosive Gienek pol plosive velar f_j f' fʲ palatalized voiceless labiodental fricative rus fricative labiodental d_j d' dʲ palatalized voiced alveolar plosive gyár hun plosive alveolar b_j b' bʲ palatalized voiced bilabial plosive rus plosive bilabial @U @U əʊ diphthong nose aus diphthong midcentral>highback ts ts ts voiceless alveolar affricate (Italian) calza, (German) zeit xxx affricate alveolar o~ o~ õ nasalized back half closed rounded vowel bon fra vowel midback EI EI ɛɪ diphthong raise eng diphthong midfront>highfront E~ E~ ɛ̃ nasalized lengthened front half open unrounded vowel deu vowel midfront e~ e~ ẽ nasalized front half closed unrounded vowel vin fra vowel midfront aU aU aʊ diphthong Haus deu diphthong lowfront>backhigh aI aI aɪ diphthong Bein deu diphthong lowfront>fronthigh a~ a~ ã nasalized central open vowel vent fra vowel lowfront Z Z ʒ voiced postalveolar fricative (French) jour, (English) pleasure xxx fricative post-alveolar z z z voiced alveolar fricative (English) zoo, (German) See xxx fricative alveolar x x x voiceless velar fricative (Scottish) loch, (Castilian Spanish) ajo xxx fricative velar v v v voiced labiodental fricative (English) voice, (German) Welt xxx fricative labio-dental u u u back closed rounded vowel (English) soon, (Spanish) tú, (French) goût, (German) Hut, Mutter, (Italian) azzurro,tutto xxx vowel highback T T θ voiceless dental fricative (English) thing, (Castilian Spanish) caza xxx fricative dental t t t voiceless alveolar plosive (English) two, (Spanish) toma xxx plosive alveolar S S ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative (English) she, (French) chemin xxx fricative post-alveolar s s s voiceless alveolar fricative (English) see, (Spanish) sí xxx fricative alveolar r r r alveolar trill (Spanish) perro xxx trill alveolar p p p voiceless bilabial plosive (English) pen xxx plosive bilabial o o o back half closed rounded vowel US (English) sore, Scottish English boat, (Spanish) yo, (French) beau, (German) Sohle, (Italian) dove, (Catalan) ona xxx vowel midback n n n alveolar nasal (English), (Spanish) and (Italian) no xxx nasal alveolar m m m bilabial nasal (English) man xxx nasal bilabial l l l alveolar lateral approximant (English) left, (Spanish) largo xxx lateral-approximant alveolar k k k voiceless velar plosive (English) skill xxx plosive velar j j j palatal approximant (English) yes, (French) yeux xxx approximant palatal i i i front closed unrounded vowel (English) see, (Spanish) sí, (French) vite, (German) mi.e.ten, (Italian) visto xxx vowel highfront g g ɡ voiced velar plosive (English) go xxx plosive velar f f f voiceless labiodental fricative (English) fool, (Spanish) and (Italian) falso xxx fricative labio-dental e e e front half closed unrounded vowel US (English) bear, (Spanish) él, (French) année, (German) mehr, (Italian) rete, (Catalan) més xxx vowel midfront D D ð voiced dental fricative (English) this xxx fricative dental d d d voiced alveolar plosive (English) do, (Italian) cade xxx plosive alveolar b b b voiced bilabial plosive (English) but xxx plosive bilabial a a a central open vowel (Spanish) da, barra, (French) bateau,lac, (German) Haar, (Italian) pazzo xxx vowel lowfront 1 1 ɨ close central unrounded vowel (Russian) мыс xxx vowel highcentral # # (...) inter-word silence (optional) xxx silence silence ? ? ʔ glottal stop (German) Verein, (Danish) stød xxx plosive glottal > > (...) recording trailing silence (optional) xxx silence silence < < (...) recording initial silence (optional) xxx silence silence % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % MAUS Parameter Set % % See also the file USAGE in the top directory of the package. % % This is the Russian language parameter set of MAUS (LANGUAGE=rus-RU). HMM were trained to the % speech corpus INTAS provided by Daniil Kocharov, University of St. Petersburg (spontaneous % speech, 7 speakers of the region around St. Petersburg). % This PARAM set contains no pronunciation model, hence only forced alignment is possible. % The input phoneme set covers the most commonly used SAM-PA sets of Russian (there is no % official Russian SAM-PA set). It also covers some additional symbols such as /T D/ to % cover the usage of foreign words. % % /pS_j/ is a clone of /tS_j/ % /x_j/ is a clone of /x/ % /?/ is a German acoustic model of a glottal stop % nasalized vowels a~ E~ e~ o~ are clones of their non-nasalized vowels % /T/ and /D/ are clones of /f/ and /z/ % /aI/, /aU/, /EI/, /@U/ are Australian English acoustic models % % This maus parameter set for Russian was created with the kind help of Alexander Belyy, Germany. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %