OCTRA v1.3.0 Manual

You are going to use OCTRA for the first time? Start reading chapter 2, 3 and after that the chapter of the editor you want to use. The chapters are short, so it should not take too much time to read.

Getting started ยป

What is OCTRA?

OCTRA is a modern web application for the orthographic transcription of audio files. Because it runs in a web browser you do not have to install it like common desktop applications.

What makes OCTRA special?

You can use OCTRA in connection with a database or with audio files on the user's computer. Further more it offers three transcription editors, auto-saving, support of various file formats for export and import, logging of the transcription process, inline-validation due transcription guidelines, shortcuts and cutting of audio files. The WYSIWYG text editor enables to insert noise markers in form of icons between text.

OCTRA saves your proceedings automatically after you stopped typing. When your computer or your browser crashes you can continue your transcription without data loss.

What is the goal of OCTRA?

Because the orthographic transcription can take a lot of time, OCTRA tries to optimize this process optimizing the transcription tools and the transcription workflows.

What is the structure of this manual?

The first chapters explain the GUI and the general workflow. Chapter 4 explains details about the editors. Chapter 5 is about cutting audio files.

OCTRA v1.3.0 Anleitung. Zuletzt aktualisiert: 01.07.2019 21:53