The graphical user interface (GUI)

No matter what mode you are using, OCTRA makes use of the same GUI (potentially with some changes).

The default GUI Elements

The red bordered sections always exist. When you change the transcription editor the only thing that changes is the blue bordered area.

  • (1): Here you can select which editor you prefer to use.
  • (2): This section offers a level (tier) selection, information about the loaded audio file, file export, settings, feedback function and a language selection.
  • (3): Here you can get a list of shortcuts, the guidelines, the overview of the whole transcript and the help.

The buttons on the bottom allows you to quit OCTRA or to send/export the current transcript. In online mode you can send your transcript to a server and in local mode you can save your proceedings to your computer.

The text editor

OCTRA makes use of a text editor that allows you to add noise markers using buttons or shortcuts. The markers are project specific and can differ from those shown in the screen shot. Markers can be text or images. The shortcut of a marker is shown next to the marker's label.

The guidelines

When you click on the "guidelines" button on the top of the GUI, a window opens. In this window, you can read the guidelines, download a PDF version or browse the guidelines.

The overview window

After you created some segments or at the end of the transcription you can open the overview. A window shows you the overall transcript and some statistics. Further more the transcript is validated using the guidelines. If an error occurs, the text is underlined red. When you move the mouse over the underlined part, the error message appears.

The validation does only validate formal parts of the guidelines and does not check the spelling.

If a segment contains an error you can click on the line number. After that the segment is opened automatically (supported by Linear Editor and 2D-Editor only).

The last column of the table enables to start the audio playback of a segment or all segments sequentially.

File export

In Local Mode you load an audio file from your computer. After you have finished your work you can export your transcription to various file formats. The next screen shot shows the currently supported file formats.


  • Easy mode: You can select this if you want to hide additional labels.
  • Play on hover: If this is active, you can hear the parts of the audio sequence while moving the mouse over the signal display (only supported by Linear Editor and 2D-Editor).
  • Follow playcursor: The multi-lines signal display scrolls automatically if the playhead hits the bottom border of the view (only supported by the 2D-Editor).
  • Log user actions: If the transcription process needs to be analyzed later this option should be active. In Local mode you can set this on and export the protocol for further analysis. In Online Mode this option preconfigured.
  • Show loupe: If you do not need the loupe, you can turn it off here. (only supported by Linear Editor and 2D-Editor)
OCTRA v1.3.0 Anleitung. Zuletzt aktualisiert: 01.07.2019 21:53