The Linear Editor

The Linear Editor consists of two signal displays: The signal display on the top shows the overall audio signal and the second signal display shows the audio signal selected in the top signal display.

Segment colors

The segments are colorized in regard to their contains.

  • Pink: The segment does not contain a transcript
  • Blue: The segment contains a break.
  • Green: The segment contains a transcript.


There is a general workflow, but it can be adapted as you wish.

  1. Select a part of the upper signal display by pressing the left mouse key and moving the mouse over the signal display. The selected audio sequence is shown in the second audio sequence.
  2. You can add segment boundaries using the S key at the mouse position. If there are any segments without speech, you can mark this segment as break using the A key.
  3. In order to transcribe a segment move the mouse over a segment and press the enter key. The text-editor appears.
  4. Type in your transcript in the text field. The segment is highlighted with Green.
You can do the same actions on the first signal display as on the second one.

Add and remove segment boundaries

  • Add segment boundary: Move the mouse to a position in the signal display and press S. If you have selected a part of the signal display and press S a boundary is created at the start and at the end of the selection.
  • Remove segment boundary: move the mouse over a segment boundary. Press S to remove the boundary.
  • Remove multiple segment boundaries and join their contents: Do a selection over the boundaries and press D.
OCTRA v1.3.0 Anleitung. Zuletzt aktualisiert: 01.07.2019 21:53