Available Translations

English Russian
Please authenticate in order to use features like ASR or word-alignment. After you clicked on "Authenticate" a separate window opens. If no window opens, make sure to have popups enabled in your browser.
Segments were combined successfully regardless of speaker labels.
Segments with the same speaker label were combined successfully.
You need to start the playback at least once before submitting the transcript.
You can't apply undo & redo at the moment.
ASR Language
ASR Provider
ASR is currently running. If you want to stop ASR for this transcription unit, click here.
Click on a service logo for further information.
An error occurred. Please send us a short feedback for the error to be fixed.
The ASR only supports audio sequences with max. duration of 10 minutes. Affected transcription units were skipped.
The selected transcription unit does not contain any text or less than two words.
MAUS Language
In order to process transcription units with {{asrProvider}}, the duration of each transcription unit must be less than {{maxDuration}} seconds. Please make units smaller or choose another ASR Provider.
The file size of the selected transcription unit is too big. Please make units smaller or choose another ASR Provider.
Please select ASR options before using the shortcut.
Authentication needed for further transcription.
No quota left. Please use another ASR provider.
Start it for this and all subsequent transcription units
Start it only for this transcription unit
Stop it for all transcription units
Stop it for this one and all transcription unit coming next
Stop it for this transcription unit only
Close this window and click in OCTRA on the "I'm authenticated!" button in order to confirm authentication. After that the automated processing continues.
If an account with the given e-mail is registered, you will receive an e-mail for password reset. Please have a look on your spam/junk folder, too.
Please signin
Signin with credentials
Signin with university account
This window will be automatically closed in {{seconds}} seconds.
You are authenticated!
Cannot delete boundary because there are neighboring transcription units that are already transcribed.
Cannot set boundary in a transcription unit that is already transcribed.
<b>Your browser is not compatible</b>. Please use one of the these browsers:
Add Protocol (recommended)
Please tell us what you think about OCTRA. What can we do better? Did you find any bugs?
Unfortunately your feedback could not be sent to us. Please send us an e-mail to {{email}}.
Give feedback
Please wait for octra sending your feedback...
Your feedback was successfully reported 🙂
Merges an empty unit between two units of the same speaker if it has a maximum duration (ms). Set empty to deactivate it.
Combine empty units with max duration (ms) between units of the same speaker
Moves all units with label "SPEAKER_<NUM>" to separate levels. Units without speaker are going to be moved to OCTRA_1.
Move units with speaker label to separate levels
Regular expression with which the speaker of a transcription unit can be recognized.
Regular expression for speaker identification
Add column
Add header to the table
This tool enables you to create your own table format.
Generate table
include line numbers
time format
Drag & Drop one audio file (+ one optional transcript file) here or click here.
{{file_label}} selected
Download the meta data that was logged while your transcription progress. (Only available when logging was enabled in the settings menu).
Add a line break after each transcription unit.
Separate transcription units by sample points (e.g. 123456)
Separate transcription units by readable timestamps (HH:MM:SS.s)
If you check both options, both time formats will be inserted:
very noisy signal
some noise in the signal
almost unintelligible
clean signal
Quality of signal
low noise in the signal
very good intelligibility
File extension
MAUS language
Send feedback
Service Provider
Speech Recognition
Access Code
I have read the agreement and accept its content
ASR Options
Back (in time)
Bits per Second
Bug Report
Continue transcription now
Custom formats
dismissed in {{value}}s
({{errors}}) errors found
Export Data
File Size
First name
Free Jobs
Free Quota
Free Tasks
I'm authenticated!
Insert comment here... (optional)
Job number
Last name
Logout successful
Meta data
No errors found
No guidelines found
on focus only
Open {{value}}
Please wait
Quit & release
Quit & continue later
Quit & discard annotation
Sample Rate
Transcription unit
Select Database
Select one tier
Send now
skip silence
successfully transmitted
Supported files
Switch to {{editor}}
Terms and Conditions
Text file
Timespan (s)
Transcription window
Linear Editor
Dictaphone Editor
The server is currently unavailable. Please try again later. If this error message is still visible after 15 minutes, please send an e-mail to {{email_link}}.
Open demo
recently used
Remove online mode data & continue
Local Mode
In local mode you can transcribe audio files from your computer. Your data will not be uploaded to a server unless you don't want to use one of the web-services (ASR or word-alignment).
Remove local mode data & login
There is local data available that was created in online mode. If you want to continue in local mode this data will be overwritten.
There is data from a previous transcription available. If you would like to continue your work, just drag & drop the following file to the gray box:<br/><br/>{{file_label}}
Click here to go to the previous version.
You are currently using the latest version of OCTRA. Would you like to go back to the previous version?
Online Mode
Old data found! To continue make sure to set the login data to: {{member_id}} , {{member_project}}, {{member_jobno}}
There is local data available that was created in local mode. If you want to continue in online mode this data will be overwritten.
In online mode you automatically get audio files for transcription.
Online mode is currently inactive. Please use OCTRA locally.
Login again
You are successfully logged out.
From <b>{{start}}</b> until <b>{{end}}</b> (expected) a maintenance is going to run.<br/>In this time OCTRA is not available. Please make sure that you don't use OCTRA in this time.
From <b>{{start}}</b> until <b>{{end}}</b> (expected) a maintenance is going to run. <b>Please quit OCTRA 15 minutes before the maintenance begins.</b>
Your progress is going to be saved on the server. Due to a known issue, it is recommended that you also download a local backup. This measure is temporarily necessary. Click on 'Download backup' to download the backup file and then on 'Continue'.<br/><br/>You can delete the backup files after the task has been completed.
Download backup
Backup Notice
To further improve Octra or fix bugs, we need your feedback. You can send us your feedback easy and fast using the feedback feature. You can easily and quickly tell us your opinion by clicking on the question mark in the upper right corner and filling in the form. <b>If there is a technical problem, it is very important to send the feedback including the protocol to us as soon as possible.</b> The protocol helps us to quickly diagnose and troubleshoot problems in a timely manner.<br/><br/>Thank you.<br/><br/><i>The Octra team</i>
Feedback needed
The selected converter allows you to set additional options. Click on the checkbox to the left of an option to activate or deactivate it. Options that are not activated are not set.
Import Options
You were absent for at least {{value}} minutes without finishing OCTRA. It is recommended to exit OCTRA if longer absence is predictable. If you do not continue the transcription at the moment you can quit OCTRA now. What do you want to do?
Continue transcription
Longer absence detected
Start new transcription
Are you sure you want to delete the layer "{{name}}" permanently?
Login failed
Please check your username and your password.
OCTRA detected that it does not get the permission to play audio. In order to continue you have to grant OCTRA the permission to play audio. Do the following three steps and hit the "RELOAD" button on the bottom of this window.
Missing permissions
Click on the stroke-out play icon on the left of the address bar.
Click on the button next to 'Autoplay'.
Click on "Allow Audio and Video".
Click on the "RELOAD" button below.
Switch to TRN-Editor and check your transcript.
Shortcuts of the 2D-Editor
Shortcuts for audio playback on the multi-line signal display
Shortcuts for the multi-line signal display
Shortcuts of the TRN-Editor
Shortcuts for the table
Shortcuts of the Texteditor
Audioplayer shortcuts
Save & close window
Delete selected boundaries and join transcription units
Apply ASR on selected transcription unit
Apply ASR & MAUS segmentation on the selected transcription unit
Apply word-alignment on the selected transcription unit using MAUS
Send transcript with one star
Send transcript with two stars
Send transcript with three stars
General shortcuts
Open window about guidelines
Save & jump to previous transcription unit
Save & jump to next transcription unit
Shortcuts for the magnifier
Move cursor to the left
Move cursor to the right
Open oevrview window
Play audio on hover
Play / Pause
Play selection
Redo last action
Remove selected segments completely
Save and go to the next cell
Save and go to the previous cell
Save and go to one cell under the current one
Save and go to one cell over the current one
Save cell
Select all segments
Mark transcription unit as silence
Set transcription unit boundary
Open window about shortcuts
Shortcuts of the signal display on the bottom
Shortcuts for audio playback on the lower signal display
Shortcuts of the signal display on the top
Shortcuts for audio playback on the upper signal display
Jump to the last position
Jump back in time
Stop Playback
Switch to {{editor}}
Transcribe unit
Transcription window
Undo last action
Zoom in
Zoom out
Audio files
File formats for import
Supported file formats for the local mode
Delete previous transcription
Create a new transcription?
Do you really want to delete the previous transcription and create a new one?<br><br>Your progress on the previous transcription will be deleted. This action can not be reverted.
You can export your transcript if you click on "Back" and then on "Export":
Demo Mode
You are currently using the Demo Mode. <br/><br/>Click on...<ul><li>"Continue" in order to reload the current audio file. Your input will be deleted and the transmission of the transcript will be simulated.</li><li>"Quit" in order to quit OCTRA. Your input will be deleted.</li><li>"Back" in order to continue the transcription.</li></ul>
Send transcription
Clicking on 'Send now' will send your data to the Server to save it. You can not change your data after this.
Send transcription now...
Your results are being transmitted to the server... Please wait for the transmission to finish successfully.
Stop Transcription
Do you really want to quit the transcription? During the transcription Octra saves your progress in a local storage of this web browser.<br><br>Decide on one of the following options:<ul class='mt-2'><li class='mt-1'><b>Quit & release</b><br/>Your progress will be discarded and the task offered to other transcribers if necessary.</li><li class='mt-1'><b>Quit & continue later</b><br/>Your current progress will be transferred to the server. You can log in later with the same credentials and continue transcribing. Important: Do not remove your web browser's data otherwise you will lose your progress.</li><li class='mt-1'><b>Continue transcription:</b><br/>Choose this option if you want to continue now.</li></ul>
Do you really want to finish the transcription? You are now using the URL mode. Your progress is not saved in this mode. <br/><br/><b>Make sure you export your annotation before you close Octra.</b>
If you would like to manage your project with the OCTRA backend and have it processed by transcribers in online mode here in Octra, you are welcome to write an email to the administrators: {{adminEmail}}
OCTRA uses the {{octraBackendURL}} for the online mode. For security reasons, new projects can only be created by administrators who check the corresponding requests beforehand.
The email should contain the following data:
Project name, abbreviation, internal description, external description (optional)
Responsible persons (first and last names, e-mail address, institution if applicable)
Who is authorized to manage the project? (First and last name, e-mail address) Each of these persons should already be registered.
Visibility: public (everyone can participate) or private (only assigned users can edit)
Runtime: Start and end time of visibility
Request for project creation
I'm authenticated.
Available until
Back to login
Go back to list of projects
Contribute translations
Forgot password
Language and Provider
Manage account
Nothing found
Repeat password
Reset password
Select country
Select gender
Select a language
Select a timezone
Selected level
Send e-mail
Sign up
Username or E-Mail
Please select a project that you want to transcribe and click on "START".
This project does not have any free tasks.
There is some data locally saved by another user (<b>{{username}}</b>) from a previous session. If you start a new task the data from that previous session is going to be removed.
I want to create a new project
Continue transcription
There are remaining date from a previous unfinished session (project: {{project}}). Click on "{{resumeTranscription}}" in order to resume the previous transcription or start a new task. <b>Starting a new task removes data from that previous session</b>
Another file selected. Please select the same file as before or start a new transcription. Wanted: '{{file}}'
Type of file is '{{type}}' and not supported.
Reload audio file
This application was closed or refreshed. Please select the same audio file again. After that you can proceed with your work.
This transcription unit has to be visible to play the audio contained within it
next transcription unit
Empty transcription units
previous transcription unit
Total transcription units
Transcribed units
Silent transcription units
An error occurred. Please reload this page and try again!
Easy Mode
Follow playcursor
Log user actions
Play on hover
Seconds per line
Show magnifier
Please select a transcription unit by hovering over it and pressing the {{value}} key.
Please select a part of signal using the mouse: Click and hold the left mouse button and hold it while moving the cursor to the end position.
Yes, the data I filled in the form is correct.
Yes, I read and accept the <a href="{{dataPolicyURL}}" target="_blank">data policy</a>.
We'll send you an E-Mail. Please click on the link provided in the email to confirm your E-Mail address. After that you can sign in with your credentials.<br/><br/> You didn't receive any E-Mail? Please check your spam/junk folder. If you don't get any E-Mail after 10 minutes, contact an administrator.
Your registration was successful. You can now sign in with your credentials.
Yes, I read and accept the <a href="{{termsConditionsURL}}" target="_blank">terms of service</a>.
After the playback postion was set in the audio player or signal display with this you can insert a crop mark at the text position.
Crop mark
Tool '{{value}}' was applied sucessfully.
Running tool '{{value}} failed:<br/>{{error}}'
With this tool phrases between silence are combined in order to reduce short transcription units. Transcription units containing silence shorter than a gven duration are merged with their neighbours.
Hide settings
Maximal number of words
After the merge all transcription units will contain a maximal number of words. (Works only if each segment contains only one word). A value of 0 means that there is no limitation.
Minimal length of silence
All transcription units containing silence are ignored if their duration is longer than this value.
Combine Transcription Units
Show settings
The word limitation is only possible if this tool is applied to an annotation with word segmentation. After running this tool you can revert the changes with hotkeys "CMD + Z (MacOS) or CTRL + Z (PC)".
Add placeholder
Append meta files
This tool offers to cut the audio file to sequences from the transcription units.
Hide configurator
Cut audio file
Show configurator
The audio file is going to be converted to WAVE PCM 16Bit, mono, {{sampleRate}} Hz during cutting.
Check transcription
Complete Transcription
Finish transcription
Only valid transcripts are accepted. Please correct your transcript.
You have to start audio playback at least once before sending the transcription.
Start new transcription
The prompt text can not be shown.
Send transcription
Continue transcription
Stop transcription
Get next transcription
No available jobs left
Quit and sign out
transcription was transmitted
Your transcription was transmitted successfully.
What would you like to do?
Short comment (Notes about workflows, waiting times, issues etc.)
Please fill out the form
Intelligibility of the speaker
The next table shows an overview of the transcription units:
Merge selected segments (ignore speaker labels)
Remove selected segments completely (remove transcript & merge)
Remove transcripts of selected segments (keep boundaries)
Be careful: You cannot redo this action after it was applied.
Replace Permutations
Merge segments with same speaker label
Replace Permutations